Every year around 21th of December, the Sun enters the Capricorn sign. It is the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere: the longest night of the year and the beginning of Winter. Winter is the perfect season to rest and dream (big). The Capricorn energy is so perfect for reflecting on the year that passed and vision for the year ahead. This will help us set our goals. But how do you do that?
I share what worked for me very well this year. I learned it from this video, so if you have time to go deeper, I recommend you watch this: https://youtu.be/3KZ7KhX7l_E. This is about Bullet journaling and it is very useful if you want to prepare for the year ahead, even without a BUJO (Bullet journal for short).
If you want to jump right into it here are the questions, I used them to review my business, but they can be used in any area of your life (like your wellness, journaling practice etc.):
- What is working?
Celebrate that! - What is not working?
I pulled an oracle card to go deeper into why it is not working. - What do I need less of?
- What do I need more of?
It will help you set your goals and fine-tune your habits for the next year.

The Now: Divine Timing. Trust that you are where you are supposed to be.